hijinx costumehijinx costume



Introducing HiJinx!

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Never uttering a single word in his long, decorated career as an entertainer our worldly, well traveled circus performer HiJinx has traversed across the globe entertaining the masses in the spotlights. Upon his last drawing performance he has vowed to continue to travel the world in search of laughter, traveling lightly with only a single suitcase and his oversized stop watch to his name.
Our professionally created HiJinx costume comes complete with a custom tailored, lightly aged and distressed red split tailcoat with an ornate patchwork of various fabrics and buttons of varying color, size and depth, a custom matching vest, and a tuxedo dress shirt.  Also included are his custom velcro closure wrist ruffles, a custom tailored velcro closure cravat neck tie, red gloves, a professional red oversized top hat with orange flower and added patchwork, a matching red leather belt, red and black pin striped pants with additional patchwork and custom just-below-the knee high red boots. The entire HiJinx costume is lightly aged for an overall authentic “well traveled” look.

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Pants Size

30×30, 30×32, 30×34, 32×30, 32×32, 32×34, 34×30, 34×32, 34×34, 34×36, 36×32, 36×34, 36×36, 38×32, 38×34, 38×36, 40×32, 40×34, 40×36, 42×32, 42×34, 42×36, 44×32, 44×34, 44×36, Custom Panty Pants

Boots Size

8D, 9D, 9.5D, 10D, 10.5D, 11D, 11.5D, 12D, 12.5D


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